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Emotions and Continued Usage of Mobile Applications

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Journal of Business Research

Examining the role of consumer impulsiveness in multiple app usage behavior among mobile shoppers


App retention is a key challenge among online retailers, due to growth of mobile shopping.

Mobility, personalization, product assortment and hedonic motivation are key drivers of impulsive purchase on app platform.

Impulsiveness directly and indirectly affects multiple app installation and use behavior.

Intention to install other apps ensues multiple shopping app use among m-shoppers.


Building on the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) theory, this study identifies and empirically tests the prominence of various technology-related, consumer characteristics, and situational variables (Stimuli) on fostering impulsive habits among mobile shoppers. We further examine the direct and indirect effects of consumer impulsiveness on the use of multiple shopping applications for online purchases. Data collected from 275 mobile shopping application (app) users through an online survey were analyzed using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Results confirm the significant impact of mobility, personalization, product assortment, and hedonic motivation on impulsiveness, except the app's visual appeal. Impulsiveness was found to be strongly correlated with users' intention to install another shopping app, whereas consumers behavioral intention was a significant precursor of their multiple app usage behavior. The findings apprise managers of the role of impulsiveness in encouraging split loyalty among mobile shoppers and prescribe new strategies for sustained use of shopping platforms.



Mobile shopping apps

Impulsive shopping habits


Hedonic Motivation

Switching behavior

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Prasanta Kr Chopdar is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Indian Institute of Management Shillong in the area of Marketing. He has received his doctorate degree from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. His doctoral thesis involves pioneering works on mobile shopping app adoption in a cross-cultural context. His research interests lie in the area of new technology adoption, online retail, m-commerce, smart city services and e-sports. Dr. Chopdar has published in top tier journals like International Journal of Information Management, Computers in Human Behavior, Behaviour and Information Technology, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Indian Business Research, and more. He has also presented his works in various international conferences like NASMEI Marketing conference in Great Lakes, Chennai. Dr. Chopdar is an exponent of PLS-SEM methods and delivers workshops and training programs on it across India.

Justin Paul, serves as Editor-in-chief of A ranked International Journal of Consumer studies, and as an Associate Editor of Journal of Business Research. A former faculty member with the University of Washington, he has been serving as Chair/ Director / Full Professor of PhD & MBA programs, University of Puerto Rico, USA (AACSB). He holds three honorary titles as 'Distinguished Professor' with three reputed universities including- Indian Institute of Management (IIM-K), and SIBM, Pune. He is known as an author/co-author of best selling books such as Business Environment (4th ed), International Marketing, Services Marketing, Export-Import Management (2nd edition), Management of Banking & Financial Services by McGraw-Hill, Oxford University Press & Pearson respectively. Dr. Paul has served as Lead Guest Editor with the International Business Review, Journal of Business research, Journal of Retailing & Consumer services, Asia Pacific Business Review and European Business Review. He serves as an Associate Editor with European Management Journal, & Journal of Strategic Marketing. He has also edited special issues for Small Bus Economics and Journal of Promotion Management. He was Associate editor for International Journal of Emerging Markets, and The Services Industries Journal for 3 years. Ranked among the world's top 1% scientists by Stanford University in 2020, Dr. Paul introduced the Masstige model and measure for brand management, CPP Model for internationalization, SCOPE framework for Small firms and 7-P Framework for International Marketing. His articles have been downloaded over 700,000 times during the last six years. An author of over 100 research papers in SSCI journals, Justin has over 70 papers are in A or A star journals. He has also served as a faculty member of Nagoya University, Japan and as Department Chair at IIM. In addition, he has taught full courses at Aarhus University- Denmark, Grenoble Eco le de Management-& University of Versailles -France, University-Lithuania, Warsaw -Poland and has conducted research workshops in countries such as Austria, USA, Spain, Croatia, China. He has been an invited speaker at several institutions such as University of Chicago, Vienna University- Austria, Fudan & UIBE-China, Barcelona and Madrid and has published three best selling case studies with Ivey & Harvard. He has visited over 60 countries as a visiting professor / speaker.

Dr. Nikolaos Korfiatis is currently working as an Associate Professor in Business Analytics at Norwich Business School in University of East Anglia, UK. Dr. Korfiatis was awarded PhD in Information Management from Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark in 2009. His teaching and research interests lie in the areas of Insurance and Financial Technology (Insuretech), Prescriptive Analytics, Data-Driven Marketing, Online Consumer Reviews and Digital Regulation. He has published in top peer-reviewed journals like Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Business Research, Expert Systems with Applications, Computers in Human Behavior and many more. Dr. Korfiatis is also a member of the Innovation, Technology and Operations Management Group (ITOM) and also affiliated faculty with the Centre of Competition Policy (CCP) and an associate faculty member of the Big Data Laboratory of Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.

Dr. Miltiadis D. Lytras is an expert in advanced computer science and information management, editor, lecturer, and research consultant, with extensive experience in academia and the business sector in Europe, Saudi Arabia and Asia. Dr. Lytras is Research Professor at Deree College – The American College of Greece and serves as Distinguished Scientist at the King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Visiting scholar in Effat University, KSA. Dr. Lytras is a world-class expert in the fields of AI, cognitive computing, information systems, technology enabled innovation, social networks, computers in human behavior, and knowledge management. In his work, Dr. Lytras seeks to bring together and exploit synergies among scholars and experts committed to enhancing the quality of healthcare for all. He serves as the Editor in Chief of the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, (Indexed in ISI, latest Impact Factor: 1.75. He has served as leading guest (co)-editor of 85 special issues in peer reviewed International Journals most of them indexed in ISI, (e.g. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Internet Computing, IEEE Transactions on Education, World Wide Web Journal, Computers in Human Behaviour, Information Systems Management, IJ of Engineering Education, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Journal of Knowledge Management, British Journal on Education Technology, Behavior and Information Technology, International Review on Open and Distributed Learning, Mobile Information Systems, Electronic Government, etc).

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